About Me

Alabama, United States
Originally this blog was just a journal of my year studying abroad in England, but now its just my life. I can't seem to sit still so most of it is travel related, but who knows where it will go from here. Don't be fooled by the name. I LOVE to travel, I'm just not always merry.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fire Alarms

I just don't understand! For some reason beyond my comprehension someone here feels the need to test the fire alarms every week. Of course they go off at the perfect time to interrupt any chance I have of sleeping in.  And after they go off I am all agitated because the noise startles me every time. EVERY TIME!
They only go off for a bit, and they turn off in time for us to know it isn't even a drill.

However, yesterday the alarms went off and someone came around knocking on our doors and telling us that it was an actual drill. I was getting ready to take a shower and all of a sudden I had to rush to put on my jacket and shoes so I could stand outside in the freezing wind. I am just not a fan of fire alarms. I figure you have to deal with them at least once a year, but I never considered it a weekly thing.

Maybe the English are just very skeptical of the working order of their alarms?

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