About Me

Alabama, United States
Originally this blog was just a journal of my year studying abroad in England, but now its just my life. I can't seem to sit still so most of it is travel related, but who knows where it will go from here. Don't be fooled by the name. I LOVE to travel, I'm just not always merry.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Just a Bit Longer...Unfortunately

My last few days in Bradford passed much too quickly. Between packing up all my stuff and hanging out with friends I just didn't seem to have anytime. My second day back was Jasmine's last and we all hungout till she left us. Then I got to spend a wonderfully sunny day with Gabby and have dinner with Jak and Elliot. And then my time there was over. It was weird saying goodbye to everyone. It was as if it hadn't really hit me that I wasn't returning to Bradford after my next trip. All of these people have become such good friends and it will be weird to not be able to drink tea and listen to music and crazy dance with them. Of course there are some that I will miss more than others, but hopefully we will put in the effort to stay in touch and perhaps we will meet up later on another adventure.
Despite the fact that I have been in England for about 9 months it still does not seem real. It is like a time that is separate from my "real" life back home. I have been constantly on the move, and, while I do miss being more settled, I loved the experience. There are a few things I have learned:
1. Grocery shopping without a car kind of sucks. Basically you have to do it more often and liquids are not a smart purchase.
2. I need to learn to cook a larger variety of foods because you can eventually tire of pasta.
3. Curry is the food of Britain.
4. Rest days are a necessity for long trips.
5. Trains are AMAZING!
6. Accept and enjoy ambiguity.
7. You don't need to pack as much underwear as you think.
8. If you don't have a travel journal or something of the sort then you will forget what you did. Photos can only do so much to prompt memories.
9. During your travels get groceries instead of going out to eat, and always have ZIPLOC bags.
10. Don't pay for it if you don't really care about seeing it.
11. Bring a combination lock with you for storage at hostels.
12. Download TripAdvisor if you have an IPhone.
13. Don't try to pack too much into your days.
14. Don't read every little thing in museums or you will wear yourself out after the first couple of rooms.
15. If you have the chance ALWAYS go to a market.

I'm sure I could think of more things but those are the big ones for me. Its just weird to think that I have been doing this for about a year now. Where did the time go? I mean its unreal. I have been to about 15 different countries and I am only 21. I am not even heading home yet. I still have two more months of travels before I return to the states and no doubt more to learn. So here come more summer adventures!

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